Guest: Tom Snyder is the Executive Director and founder of RIoT, a non-profit organization supporting companies who are building the smart product of tomorrow. Tom is an advocate for the Internet of Things and inventing disruptive technology. Through RIoT, early stage IoT companies get much needed assistance by participating in the organizations start-up accelerator or one of 75 events hosted annually.
Episode in a Tweet: What do smart products, wearable tech, the growth of rural communities, and a forward thinking non-profit have in common? Tune in to the latest episode of In the KIoTchen, hosted by Kerry Siggins, to find out!
Quick Background: The latest episode of In the KIoTchen has host Kerry Siggins interviewing Tom Snyder, Executive Director and founder of RIoT, a non-profit organization that supports on the Internet of Things (IoT). Hear them speak about the importance of connecting the dots and supporting industry relationships to move IoT forward. Recent focus has been on rural and low-income communities to increase diversity in the tech industry, an industry that has long been thought of as less then diverse. Tech can provide year-round economies, which makes rural communities a perfect target for IoT related businesses.