Episode 6: In the KIoTchen – Disrupting Building Management with Sandy Damm


Sandy Damm is the former Managing Director of Sontay Ltd., a British manufacturer of IoT sensors. Sandy is a published author and has 20 years of experience with building management systems.

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“…In order to make the energy use as efficient as possible. Meaning, when a room is not occupied it shuts off, when the temperature is too high it automatically goes down.” – Learn more from our guest, Sandy Damm, on how IoT can make smarter buildings that actively optimize energy efficiency and the occupant experience.

Quick Background

In this episode of In the KIoTchen, Breadware CEO, Kerry Siggins, interviews Sandy Damm, the former Managing Director of Sontay Ltd., a British manufacturer of IoT sensors. They discuss how IoT is used in the building management arena to improve building functionality and environmental friendliness. Sandy shares how the technology has progressed from temperature control to monitoring humidity, air quality, and light levels, and how this makes energy management much more efficient. Sandy shows examples of sensors that monitor various aspects of a room, explaining how information is collected and communicated throughout a building. Kerry and Sandy discuss how building sensors might eventually be used to drive sales and engagement in retail environments. Plus, Sandy shares some of the challenges he has experienced while developing IoT products and his advice for those in a similar space.