Episode 5: In the KIoTchen – Disrupting Workplace Planning and Utilization with Elizabeth Redmond


Elizabeth Redmond is the CEO and co-founder of CoWorkr, a workplace technology and analytics company based in Reno, Nevada.  With a strong passion for process design and efficiency, Elizabeth formerly worked in fields covering life cycle analysis, sustainable material consulting, and energy harvesting.

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In this episode of In the KIoTchen, Breadware CEO, Kerry Siggins, interviews Elizabeth Redmond, CEO and co-founder of CoWorkr, on how IoT is improving workspace management, productivity, and overall health.

Quick Background

In this episode of In the KIoTchen, Breadware CEO, Kerry Siggins, interviews Elizabeth Redmond, CEO and co-founder of CoWorkr, a workplace technology and analytics company in Reno, Nevada. Elizabeth explains how CoWorkr is replacing manual, clipboard-based processes by putting sensors around offices to collect and leverage data about the physical space. Kerry and Elizabeth discuss how IoT is utilized to understand people’s movement throughout a workspace, and how that information is used to help find available conference rooms and efficiently manage corporate assets and real estate. Plus, Elizabeth shares how CoWorkr is enabling more informed, health-conscious facility planning in response to the pandemic.