The Detection Group

Smart Base Station
The Detection Group
Smart Base Station

The Brief

The Detection Group (TDG) is the leader in wireless water leak detection for commercial buildings and the first wireless water leak detection system to receive the coveted FM Approval. Their systems are currently protecting over $60 billion of properties for companies including Irvine Company, Salesforce, Netflix, Stripe, and many more. The system consists of three levels of components: the wireless sensors located anywhere a leak could occur in a building, the “Hub” which is located on each floor of the building and relays the sensor data back to the Smart Base Station that provides the brains of the operation and maintains an internet connection to TDG’s cloud servers.

The Challenge

The Detection Group was gaining a lot of traction in their industry, and their Smart Base Station design was not able to scale to the level needed due to prohibitive costs and manufacturability. Breadware was tasked with re-designing the Base Station to make it less expensive and easier to manufacture while adding additional connectivity options and maintaining the current high performance of the Smart Base Station.

The Breadware Solution

Breadware was able to produce a new Smart Base Station that was significantly cheaper to manufacture than the previous version and offered a modular design to easily add capabilities like cellular back-up, and the ability to add additional wireless technologies in the future.